6 Advantages of Print Advertising

We are a technology-obsessed society, and unless we are constantly connected through some kind of digital device, they will not feel comfortable. Moreover, as the entire world has moved to the Internet, some in the advertising industry will think that print ads are dead and buried.
But this is not true.
The prints are still very active. In fact, advertisers who use print as part of their marketing mix are likely to significantly increase their response rates. There are just six advantages of print advertising.

1.) Leverage reputation
Printed publications that consistently provide readers with high-quality, reliable content can increase credibility, and advertisers can easily take advantage of this credibility. The brand, known as the “halo effect,” puts ads into respected print publications and gets the same positive feelings from readers who are related to the publication itself. This means that your ads can be considered completely trustworthy, making it easier for potential customers and sales.

2.) "Influence" is influenced by prints
An MRI survey of US consumers found that “influential people” are consumers who have the ability to influence other consumers, influenced by print ads, 51% of which are influenced by magazines, and 53% by newspapers. influences.

3.) Print Readers Have Bigger Attention Spans
The digital age has almost killed people's attention. We opened six different tabs when surfing the web, and someone sent us an instant message, another person sent us a text message, and "walking dead" was shown on the background TV. We simply don't accept all the digital ads that happen around us.

Print readers, on the other hand, typically do not perform multitasking when reading magazines or newspapers, so they are more likely to accept advertisements in publications.

4.) Unplug the power
We talked about the fact that we are creatures obsessed with technology, but we are obsessed with technology, and from time to time they begin to understand the value of "unplugging." When we are out of the digital world, we tend to use print media as a form of entertainment and participation.

5.) Print ads offer more flexibility and choice
Print ads let you target your audience. You can choose exactly which part of the newspaper or magazine the viewer is most likely to read. You can choose to advertise in a professional magazine, or you can advertise only in papers that are placed in a specific geographic location in your area. You can choose to advertise on Wednesday or Sunday ads.

In addition to these options, print ads can also adjust your campaign to fit your budget by providing four-page, half-page, and full-page ads. Finally, advertising in printed publications means that you actually work with people when buying advertising space, rather than relying on online algorithms to determine where the ads should be placed.

6.)  Print ads drive action
The Nielson Global Trust reports that 65% of print readers typically take some action after watching a newspaper ad. For example, a person who has viewed an advertisement for a national grocery chain is six times more likely to purchase the product than the retail average.

As we mentioned at the beginning, when print ads and digital ads work together, the results are very significant. Using QR codes and other interactive features in print ads help bridge the gap between the digital divide. Ads with free download offers or social media URLs encourage potential customers to interact with online brands and inevitably help drive more traffic and increase visibility.

Successful campaigns can reach the target market, effectively communicating information and driving action. By embracing the many advantages of print ads and adding them to their marketing mix, advertisers can harness the power of print and digital advertising to create as much visibility and revenue as possible.


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